The fast-fashion retail group is to give young people the opportunity to apply for L3 and L4 apprenticeships through the partnership, gifting £85,000 to support young people via its ‘earn while they learn’ scheme.“The Boohoo Group is passionate about educating the next generation, working to empower individuals to support and protect the future of the UK manufacturing sector and the unique skill base”, it said announcing the development. คำพูดจาก Nhà Cái Casino Online
“As a major UK employer, the group pays a significant apprenticeship levy and wanted to use this not just to empower its own employees, but those within the wider supply chain who might otherwise not have access to these kind of training courses and opportunities”, it added.Fashion-Enter will provide training and arrange placements for the students on behalf of the Boohoo Group, with a focus on candidates from underrepresented communities within its local Leicestershire areaคำพูดจาก Web Game Casino . The application process opened on 7 February, the first day of National Apprenticeship Week.